Cauliflower Fried “Rice” with Chicken and Shrimp


Four weeks from now, I will be beside the ocean in St. John, sipping on a tropical drink, and working on a nice tropical glow. In preparation of spending the week in a swim suit, I’m starting a low carb, somewhat paleo eating plan.

I don’t anticipate this being easy on me. I love my bread and rice and pasta, and seriously look forward to starting each workday with a bowl of oatmeal. So for the next four weeks, the recipes I post will be my way of mourning the loss of carbs in my life.

Because I was craving Asian food yesterday, my first thought was to make fried rice for dinner and load it down with veggies, and even take it one step further by replacing the rice with cauliflower. I like to use the bags of frozen peas and carrots, but you could easily use fresh or a frozen stir fry mix — or add any other veggies that sound good!

This recipe makes a lot! I intended it to serve only two, but my boyfriend and I are hungry people 🙂 Feel free to adjust the amounts of veggies and proteins to fit your number of people and hunger level.

Making cauliflower rice is incredibly easy. Split a head of raw cauliflower into small-ish pieces and process it in a food processor for about one minute, until the cauliflower is completely shredded to a rice-like consistency. Set aside.
Note: If you don’t have a food processor, you can grate the cauliflower with a cheese grater — using a food processor simply saves time (and your arm from getting super tired).


Sautee onion and garlic in coconut oil in a large pan or skillet over medium-high heat, then add the chicken and sautee until the chicken is fully cooked. Add half of the soy sauce during the last few seconds of cooking and stir until the chicken is coated.

Add shrimp and pea and carrot mix to the pan and sautee until the veggies are thawed.

Push everything onto one half of the pan and crack the eggs in the empty half, and stir them to cook like scrambled eggs. You want the eggs to be as broken up as possible so they mix into the other ingredients evenly. Once the eggs are cooked, mix everything in the pan together again.


Finally, add the shredded cauliflower to the pan and stir to evenly combine all ingredients. Add the other half of the soy sauce and mix well.

Fried Rice Skillet

Drizzle a little Sriracha on top and enjoy!

Fried Rice

Cauliflower Fried “Rice” with Chicken and Shrimp
Serves 2


  • 1 head raw cauliflower (I ended up only using about half)
  • 1/2 lb chicken, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
  • 9 oz frozen, fully cooked shrimp, thawed (I used tiny salad shrimp, which was a 9 oz bag)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce, divided
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, diced
  • 1 cup frozen peas and carrots
  • 2 eggs


  1. Split a head of raw cauliflower into small-ish pieces and process it in a food processor for about one minute, until the cauliflower is completely shredded to a rice-like consistency. Set aside.
    Note: If you don’t have a food processor, you can grate the cauliflower with a cheese grater — using a food processor simply saves time (and your arm from getting super tired).
  2. Sautee onion and garlic in coconut oil in a large pan or skillet over medium-high heat, then add the chicken and sautee until the chicken is fully cooked. Add half of the soy sauce during the last few seconds of cooking and stir until the chicken is coated.
  3. Add shrimp and pea and carrot mix to the pan and sautee until the veggies are thawed.
  4. Push everything onto one half of the pan and crack the eggs in the empty half, and stir them to cook like scrambled eggs. You want the eggs to be as broken up as possible so they mix into the other ingredients evenly. Once the eggs are cooked, mix everything in the pan together again.
  5. Finally, add the shredded cauliflower to the pan and stir to evenly combine all ingredients. Add the other half of the soy sauce and mix well. Enjoy!

Nutrition Info: 1 Serving (1/2 recipe)

Calories: 410
: 15.6g
Cholesterol: 434.5mg
Sodium: 410.4mg
Carbs: 8.5g
Sugar: 3.7g
Protein: 59.5g

5 thoughts on “Cauliflower Fried “Rice” with Chicken and Shrimp

  1. Loved this recipe! Took out the shrimp because I’m not much of a shrimp eater, but I loved the way this turned out. Super easy to make and take to work for lunch. Thanks for sharing, Michelle!


  2. I love your blog, your posts are amazing! I just followed you, it would be great if we can support each other 🙂 I am so glad I got to discover you ❤


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